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Our focus is on you: in the zeb career reasoning beats hierarchy

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When it comes to your career, our focus is on YOU. zeb promotes long-term careers and your personal career path – in line with our motto “stay and grow”.

We are looking for people with team spirit and the courage to question the status quo. Get involved in the dialog that gives rise to something new. Listening well is just as important as arguing convincingly, because we trust in our principle “reasoning beats hierarchy”. This means that your opinion matters.

Would you like to try out new things and seize the many opportunities offered by a long-term career at zeb? Then show us what you’re made of. We look forward to your application. 

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Fünf paar Hände tragen in ihren Flächen Erde und einen Setzling. Sie halten die Hände im Kreis aneinander.
Career paths at zeb

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Eine Hand hält eine blaue Karte mit zeb-Logo.
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💡 How banks, consumers and governments can benefit from the digital euro. The introduction of the digital euro brings opportunities and challenges for various stakeholders. 🏦 Banks can already take the first steps to prepare themselves: - Analysing the risks and opportunities for existing business models - Assessing the technical impact - Developing strategic roles and initial use cases ✅ The digital euro also offers numerous advantages: Consumers: Anonymity in payments, can be used offline and regardless of location Payment service providers: Lower transaction costs, innovative payment functions Governments: Strengthening European sovereignty, efficient payment infrastructure Although the introduction is not expected before 2026, many challenges are already looming, such as the disintermediation of banks and data protection issues. However, the opportunity for a pan-European digital payment solution could outweigh these concerns. 👉 Stay informed and find out more about how banks, consumers and governments are preparing for the digital euro in our new publication:


Coming up this week: Our next webinar on 𝐄𝐒𝐆-𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 🌿 transforming Retail Banking on July 18th. Make sure to sign up and register at 👉


🚨 In Deutschland stehen Unternehmen und Finanzinstitute vor einer beispiellosen Belastung. Unsere jüngste Analyse zeigt alarmierende Trends: 📈 2023 stiegen Unternehmensinsolvenzen um 23,5% auf 18.100 Fälle 💸 Gläubigerschäden durch Insolvenzen belaufen sich auf ca. 34 Mrd. Euro 📊 Ausfallbedrohte Forderungen pro Insolvenzfall betragen circa 1,9 Mio. Euro Für Finanzinstitute wird es jetzt entscheidend, Kreditrisiken frühzeitig zu erkennen und effizient zu managen. Unsere gezielten Maßnahmen in der Risikofrüherkennung und Problemkreditbearbeitung unterstützen Sparkassen dabei, ihre Handlungsfähigkeit in diesen herausfordernden Zeiten sicherzustellen. Erfahren Sie mehr über unseren Quick-Check zur Risikokreditbearbeitung und wie wir Sparkassen dabei unterstützen, diese zu optimieren. 👉 Oder sprechen Sie unsere Expert:innen Tobias Rostek, Alexander Huppertz, Oliver Vogelsang und Alina Schneider gerne direkt an. 


As the market for digital assets (DA) slowly matures, financial institutions (FIs) will need holistic strategic approaches that more broadly cover service offerings, technical processes, and platforms based on distributed ledger technology (DLT) to achieve the required profitability. 👌 Our recent zeb European DLT and Digital Assets Study 2024 shows that many institutions have continued to drive their DLT/DA agendas, undeterred by the “crypto winter” of declining crypto asset prices and trading volumes from mid-2022 to late 2023.  Find out more 👉 Or contact our experts directly: Julian Schmeing - Cédric Lüscher - Max Willmeroth - Daniel Schmid Perez 🚀

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