5 questions for ... Mira about her integrated degree program at zeb

Release date: 20.06.2023
Mira started her integrated degree program in business informatics at zeb in 2021. As part of that program, she attends the FOM University of Applied Sciences in Münster. In parallel, she works and completes an apprenticeship at zeb – whether she wants to become a qualified software developer or an IT consultant is up to her. In her testimonial, Mira explains how an integrated degree program at zeb is structured, why she decided to do hers at zeb, what she particularly likes about the program so far and which area she would like to work in after graduating.
A general question to start with: Who are you and how long have you been with zeb?
I am Mira Falk and have been an integrated degree student in the field of business informatics at zeb since 2021.
How did you find out about zeb back when you applied? Why did you decide on the integrated degree program at zeb?
As my mother had been employed at zeb for over 18 years back then, I already knew about zeb. I was looking for an integrated degree program that fit my areas of interest, namely mathematics, English studies, and economics. In terms of career opportunities and working conditions, I had already heard a lot of positive things about zeb. Moreover, the overall concept and structure of the program struck me as very appealing.
How is an integrated degree program at zeb structured? Which fields of work do you get to know during an integrated degree program at zeb?
As opposed to other integrated degree programs, the one at zeb is not subdivided into bigger blocks of time in which you either attend work or university. Instead, we attend our courses at the FOM University of Applied Sciences, which is also located in Münster, two days every week. The other three days, we work at zeb. The focus of the practical part, i.e. the work at zeb, is on two different areas, namely customizing and application development. However, those only become relevant in the final year of the program. In the first two years, all integrated degree students get trained in software development. Afterwards, we work in customizing for another six months; then we can decide what our personal focus will be on.
You are now in your fourth semester – what is your impression of the integrated degree program until now? What do you like best? What have been your highlights up to this point?
Do you already know which professional direction you want to take after you graduate?
I’m not a hundred percent sure yet which direction I want to take after my graduation, but I’m leaning towards consulting.