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From boomer to Gen Z: how to succeed with intergenerational leadership

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This episode of our “Sound of Finance” podcast series is all about intergenerational leadership. Today, no fewer than four generations work together – from baby boomers to Generations X, Y (millennials) and Z. Each of these generations is different and has its own values and preferences. 
This mix can be a challenge for both employees and executives. How does leadership succeed in such a constellation? What does the work ethic of Generation Z look like? When do conflicts arise and how can they be avoided or resolved?
Martin Wolfslast, a consultant at zeb and host of our podcast, discusses these questions with Anne-Sophie Lüder and Olaf Heinz. Anne-Sophie is a consultant and considers herself to be a member of Gen Z, by a hair’s breadth, depending on where the line is drawn. Olaf is a Senior Business Coach at zeb and has been in the business for years. He belongs to Generation X and provides fascinating insights into today’s generations and their behavioral patterns. Together, they highlight the potential for conflict but also the similarities between the generations and the qualities executives should have to promote effective collaboration. 

You don't have time for or want to listen to podcasts right now? You can find a summary of the episode here.


*The podcast episode is available in German only

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