Profilbilder von Mitarbeitenden von zeb werden als Netzwerk miteinander verbunden.
Profilbilder von Mitarbeitenden von zeb werden als Netzwerk miteinander verbunden.

Diversity at zeb

The best teams are diverse teams. They are the key to a company’s success as they allow it to pool different experiences, mindsets and backgrounds. This is part of our Shape spaces culture that requires creative people who are able to break the mold and help us drive the transformation of the financial industry.
Therefore, we have come up with various measures and offers to actively support Diversity – that is with a capital D – at zeb. After all, change does not happen overnight, but is the sum of many small steps. Here you can find an overview of the networks and initiatives zeb currently has to offer.

proud to be out @ zeb

The first step towards diversity is an inclusive corporate culture. 
Almost half of lesbian, gay and queer employees report that they have to worry more than their cis-heterosexual colleagues about some aspects of their everyday life. This may for example include private chats or the choice of symbols and comparisons in conversations that could indicate their sexual or gender identity. The goal of our proutz initiative is therefore to create an LGBTQI+ friendly work atmosphere through information and exchange within the community. 

By women for women – Female Excellence 

Our Female Excellence initiative is aimed at increasing the proportion of women in the (as yet still) male-dominated financial services consulting industry. The initiative encourages our female consultants on their individual career paths and provides support in many areas through offerings such as the Female Buddy program, the internal career network women@zeb, opportunities for exchange such as Leadership@Lunch and several other formats. Here you can find more information about our numerous offers and networking opportunities.

Offers for families

Family planning is often accompanied by the question of how to achieve an appropriate work-life balance. This becomes particularly difficult with rigid working time models or the classic nine-to-five job. With our flexible working models such as trust-based working hours, working from home, sabbaticals and much more, we give you freedom you need – and genuine work-life choices. With our offers, we aim to support our employees in various life situations: You will be provided help with childcare or eldercare issues, as well as additional options for advice.
The WorkingParents@zeb network allows you to exchange ideas and experiences with other working mothers and fathers and develop solutions together. 

Only diverse companies can be successful in the long term – this goal played a key part of one of Sandra’s client projects on diversity. Since then, she has also been using LinkedIn to highlight the dimensions and relevance of diversity. In this video, you’ll learn more about her perspective on the importance of diverse teams. If you have any further questions about corporate culture, you will also find the right contact person from our Talent Attraction team here.

German Diversity Charter (Charta der Vielfalt) 

As a European company we strive for staff diversity: for example, we have resolved to increase the share of female consultants to 25% by 2023. zeb also supports the German “Diversity Charter” initiative which aims at advancing the recognition, appreciation and inclusion of diversity in German corporate cultures.