
Our application process

Are you wondering what the application process is like at zeb and do you want to know what you can expect from us? Then this is the place for you.  

Step 1 – Online application 

Basically, it all begins with a look at our career website. So you’ve already started. If you find a suitable position on our job board, you can register in our online portal. Here you have the option to register with your profile (7–10 minutes) or to apply directly (3–5 minutes). Creating an individual application profile allows you to view the current status of your application at any time. Since our application process is based entirely on our career website, we ask you to refrain from applying by e-mail. 

What information do we need from you?

  • Contact information
  • Resume (maximum 5 MB) with information about your academic background, grade point average and previous practical experience 
  • Cover letter (maximum 5 MB) is optional, but provides additional information about your person and motivation 
  • Other attachments such as school and academic certificates including grade overview and certificates of work experience
  • Your consent to our privacy policy, which you can view in our application tool

Step 2 – Screening

After you have uploaded all of your application documents via the portal, you will receive an automatic confirmation of receipt from us. And then the ball is in our court: we will examine your application and after a thorough review together with the specialist department, we will decide how to continue. We will try to get back to you as soon as possible – usually within a week. If you have created an application profile, you can check the current status of your application there at any time.

Step 3 – Interview 

If your application generally aligns with the advertised position, you will receive an e-mail from us, in which we try to arrange an appointment with you. 

In exceptional cases and depending on the department and position, we offer a get-acquainted meeting with colleagues from the Talent Attraction team or the specialist department, which takes place before the actual interviews and where we talk about the basic qualifications required for the open position.

As a rule, however, we conduct a total of three consecutive (virtual) interviews on one day. In rare cases, the interviews are spread over several days. These interviews take place with colleagues from the specialist department and are aimed to find out whether your professional profile and your personality will fit in with us. In the expert interview for our consulting positions, you will be asked to work on a case study. The case study gives you an insight into typical tasks at zeb. The way you approach it shows us how you structure and solve complex problems and present the results.

Step 4 – Decision 

After the interviews, the interviewers exchange their views and make a decision. One of them will then give you feedback by phone within the next two weeks. 

Step 5 – Contract offer 

If you were able to convince the job interviewers, we will prepare a contract offer and you will have 14 days to review it. If any questions arise, please do not hesitate to contact us.  

Step 6 – Signing the contract 

With the contract offer the application process is almost finished. We have decided to get you on board. If you have also decided to become part of the zeb team, sign the contract and send it back to us. This concludes the application process. Now we prepare everything for your onboarding process and look forward to welcoming you to zeb.  

All in all, the application process takes about 4–6 weeks.


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Any questions about your career opportunities?

Then contact our Talent Attraction team here. We look forward to talking to you.