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Learning in the future: further training in consulting

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In the consulting industry, further development and training are key factors because clients need the best possible solutions that are tailored to them. This requires consultants to be informed about new requirements and trends in the market at all times. In times of rapid development, it is essential to acquire knowledge just as quickly in order to gain expertise. 

As a result of the developments in the coronavirus pandemic, further training offers from companies have become increasingly digital, so we have evolved our offering, too. How do we handle further training? What is the 70–20–10 rule? And how will learning develop in the future? Are traditional offerings still necessary or do modern learning platforms offer an adequate alternative? 

These and other questions are answered in the podcast episode “Lernen der Zukunft. Wie bleibt das Wissen von Beratern frisch?” (Learning in the future. How does consultants’ knowledge stay fresh?)*

You don't have time for or want to listen to podcasts right now? You can find a summary of the episode here.

*The podcast episode is available in German only


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