Pauline's way to zeb


Published: 15 September 2021

"Right from my very first day, I carried great responsibility with regard to certain deliverables. Along the way, I could always rely on the dedicated support of my more experienced colleagues."

Pauline did an internship in consulting at zeb while she was still studying at university. After graduating in 2020, she decided on a permanent position with us. In her testimonial, you will find out how she learned about zeb and whether zeb has lived up to her expectations. 

How did you learn about zeb?

In 2018, zeb caught my attention when I saw the marketing ads “Join experts not big heads.” and “Vitamin B gibt’s im Obstkorb. Karriere durch Leistung ist nach unserem Geschmack” (You won’t land a job with us by using your connections. Good performance is the key to a career with us). These statements are not only witty, but also honest and challenging. In my view, they reflect the character of the company really well, because regardless of your age, your position in the hierarchy, or your gender, a well-reasoned and strong opinion is always greatly appreciated at zeb.

Why did you decide to apply at zeb?

In the period between my Bachelor’s and Master’s degree, I applied for an internship at zeb in order to learn more about working in a consultancy firm. In the end, I only found the time to start my internship in the first term break of my Master’s degree course. zeb was very accommodating and adapted to my time schedule. This reinforced the positive impression which I had already gained in the interviews. During my internship, I learned an incredible amount within the shortest period of time and I was really impressed by the strong team spirit. Consequently, after graduation, I immediately took up a permanent position in consulting at zeb.

Has zeb lived up to your expectations so far? 

zeb has kept its promise from the application process that there would be much room for flexibility. This is also reflected in my daily work. Of course, top priority is given to projects with clients, but zeb promotes the individual interests and skills of its employees. We all support each other and try to find the best solution together. Personal needs and goals can thus be united with the challenging work.

What makes zeb special in your opinion?

Work at zeb is very varied and fulfilling: in addition to constantly changing projects, I develop topics in very different areas. The development of new topics usually takes place within the Practice Group. “Practice Groups” are units within zeb that focus on specific topics and encourage exchange on key issues. I belong to the Practice Group “IT Strategy & Digital Transformation” which currently researches topics such as cloud strategy, IT compliance & cyber security, or enterprise data management. And there are so many different advanced training courses and possibilities for individual development – therefore it never gets boring at zeb 😉. The recent module on IT infrastructure and enterprise architecture management of the school and the training course on client-centric process management were especially interesting for me. I also recommend that you check out the zeb podcast “Sound of Finance”. It provides practical insights into the current challenges faced by the banking sector.

How would you describe the atmosphere at zeb?

The entire project team treats every new member as an equal. And the work atmosphere is shaped by the appreciation shown by clients towards zeb staff as their valued partners. Individual strengths are emphasized in the team, and the development of skills is encouraged in zeb’s open and motivating environment. Right from my very first day, I carried great responsibility with regard to certain deliverables. Along the way, I could always rely on the dedicated support of my more experienced colleagues.

Any questions about your career opportunities?

Then contact our Talent Attraction team here. We look forward to talking to you.

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