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The post-pandemic world of work – a new normal? But what does that mean?

Podcast Headerbild

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, companies had to deal with some sudden and rapid changes: from one moment to the next, many people found themselves working from home, virtual collaboration became more prevalent and digitalization had to be driven forward. But what does this mean for the world of work after the pandemic?

In the podcast episode “Das Büro als Ort der Begegnung” (The office as a place to meet)*, Christina and Christian discuss the so-called “new normal” – but what does it actually mean? Is working from home here to stay or will companies return to their offices? How can performance culture and employee motivation be kept up from a distance? 

You don't have time for or want to listen to podcasts right now? You can find a summary of the episode here.


*The podcast episode is available in German only


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