The zeb.referral program: Fabian and Lasse

Release date: 14.07.2022
The zeb.referral program supports our further growth – and strengthens our internal networks at the same time, because zeb employees can recommend friends and family members as potential candidates. Fabian made use of this and told his long-time friend Lasse, with whom he had already completed his training as a banker together, about zeb. A visit to the office and Fabian's job at TABULARAZA further piqued Lasse’s curiosity. In this interview, they both tell us a little more about the process of the zeb.referral program and their experiences as part of the zeb team.
Fabian, why did you participate in the zeb.referral program and recommend zeb as an employer?
The decision to recommend Lasse had nothing to do with the compensation from the referral program. We have known each other for many years, and it was more of an attempt to get another great colleague into our team. I was also happy to be able to make his way into the working world a little easier.
Who did you recommend and how did you get to know each other?
Lasse and I have known each other since we were teenagers and have been friends for many years. Among other things, we went through our training as bank clerks together at Hamburger Sparkasse. I therefore know him both privately and professionally and was sure that there was a good fit between him and zeb.
How were you able to convince Lasse of zeb, was there a decisive factor?
I didn't do much convincing, I just gave a brief account of my day-to-day work and answered questions. The rest developed by itself. Lasse came around to take a look at our office in Hamburg, and we spoke on the phone a few more times. Later, he made his own decision to apply. The decisive factor was probably the good fit between Lasse and TABULARAZA as well as the knowledge he had already gained from our conversations.
What added value do you see for yourself by taking part in the referral program?
Actively shaping one's own team is the real added value. From my point of view, there is nothing better than working with friends and good colleagues. Therefore, the main reason for me to participate was to get a great new colleague.
Lasse, how was the "referral process" for you and did Fabian have to do a lot of persuading? Had you heard about zeb before?
I completed my Master's degree at WWU in Münster and first heard of zeb from a fellow student who was very enthusiastic about his internship at the company. However, I first became aware of TABULARAZA through Fabian, with whom I had already completed my training as a bank clerk at Hamburger Sparkasse after graduating from high school. Fabian's experiences and the topics TABULARAZA deals with made me curious and they also fit well with my Master's degree majors.
Why or based on which argument made by Fabian did you choose zeb as an employer?
There was no particular argument presented by Fabian to convince me. It was rather the mix of innovative topics, the excellent atmosphere within the team, the modern working environment as well as the steep increase in one's own individual learning curve that ultimately convinced me.
What was it like to start at zeb and what has been your highlight so far?
What I particularly liked about the start at zeb was the zeb.start I seminar, which fortunately could take place as a face-to-face event again. It was the ideal opportunity to meet new colleagues and make initial contacts right from the start. In addition, in various coffee breaks I was able to get to know colleagues better and at the same time gain an overview of the various PGs and the diversity of zeb.