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Unsere zeb Campus Scouts im Überblick - Deine Kontaktmöglichkeiten
Unsere zeb Campus Scouts im Überblick - Deine Kontaktmöglichkeiten

Campus Scout

Gain insights into the - from our Campus Scouts. Our Campus Scouts are students like you, maybe even at your university. They know zeb through their internships and are happy to pass on their knowledge and experience. What’s your interest in zeb? Is it working on projects, the atmosphere in the team or personal experiences of our Campus Scouts? Or is it something completely different? Find your local contact and start a conversation. Get in touch by e-mail, telephone or at a personal meeting on your campus. Our campus scouts are looking forward to seeing you.

Niklas Schulze Relau
Campus Scout
University of Paderborn
Mathias Lechner
Campus Scout
Technical University of Vienna
Eine Frau mit langen Haaren trägt einen Anzug.
Eden Antonia Luhmann
Campus Scout
University of Munich (LMU)
a woman smiling at camera
Rebecca Keller
Campus Scout
University of Kiel
Ein Mann im Anzug mit Brille
Patrick Heumann
Campus Scout
Maastricht University
a man in a suit and tie
Niklas Schulze Relau
a man wearing glasses and a suit
Mathias Lechner
zeb Mitarbeiterin lächelt in die Kamera
Mona Laura Stöckl
A woman with long hair wearing a suit.
Eden Antonia Luhmann
A woman smiling at camera.
Rebecca Keller
A man wearing glasses
Patrick Heumann

Employer ratings


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kununu gives you a good overview of zeb as an employer with numerous ratings.

Important information regarding online applications

Due to technical problems, there are currently some malfunctions with applications. We are currently working on solving the issue and apologize for the inconvenience. If you have any questions, please contact our Talent Attraction team via

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