This accessibility statement applies to the following websites:
Last update of the website
The content of this website was last revised on 04.12.2024.
Feedback and contact details
Have you noticed any shortcomings in the accessibility of content on our website or do you have any comments or questions about accessibility? Please feel free to contact us at:
Hammer Straße 165
D-48153 Münster
Phone: +49-251-97128-0
Alternatively, you can also use the form at the bottom of this page.
Status of compatibility with the requirements
This website is not fully compliant with the accessibility regulations that apply to us. In detail:
Incompatibility with accessibility legislation
The content listed below is not compatible with the relevant accessibility legislation:
- The chatbot at the bottom right in a third-party application that allows users to quickly find content relevant to them.
- The application forms via the buttons “Apply with profile” and “Apply without profile” refer to a separate system whose structure cannot be influenced.
- Some graphic buttons or links are not provided with alternative texts.
- Some functions are not read by screen readers.
- Some operating elements are not yet fully usable via the keyboard.
- Headings do not always reflect the hierarchical structure of the content.
- The correct syntax is not used in certain individual cases.
- Not all videos have subtitle files, but have embedded captions.
- The application form is not fully accessible.
- The tab navigation on the event page does not work properly.
Further editorial adjustments must be done: Not all image files have correctly formulated file names, title texts and alt texts. In addition, not every graphic has an explanation in the text. We are currently working on further content updates.
Accessible alternatives
Should users or interested applicants encounter problems or have questions due to non-accessible content, they can alternatively contact us at any time via
Method of evaluation
Tested by the agency Kopfkunst with the following software:
WAVE® is a set of assessment tools that help authors make their web content more accessible to people with disabilities. WAVE can detect many errors related to accessibility and the Web Content Accessibility Guideline (WCAG), but also facilitates the human evaluation of web content.
Further measures to improve accessibility on our website
We are constantly striving to improve the accessibility of our website. We are currently doing the following:
Dark mode
The website can be switched to dark mode via the help function. This optimizes the contrasts in dark environments.
Contrast mode
Contrasts can be enhanced using the help function. Texts that are placed over images are given a dark background. In addition, all clickable elements are highlighted.
Standardization of clickable elements
Elements such as links and buttons have been standardized based on the Derksen function. The stages of the links have also been optimized.
Tab navigation
When using tab navigation, the active element automatically scrolls to the center of the page and is highlighted.
The font size can be individually adjusted via the help function without scaling the entire website.
Alternative image descriptions
The entire media database was provided with relevant image descriptions using AI.
Plain language
All content will be made available in plain language in future.
Enforcement procedure
If you believe that you have been disadvantaged by the inadequate accessibility of our website, you can contact the relevant enforcement body. You can reach them at:
Ombudsstelle für barrierefreie Informationstechnik des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen bei der Landesbeauftragten für Menschen mit Behinderungen
Fürstenwall 25
40219 Düsseldorf