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Your benefits

At zeb we are curious and keen to discover new things. Our particular focus is on the financial services sector. Shaping it is our passion. This is what we work for every day. It’s a lot of effort and should be worthwhile.  

That’s why we provide you with a working environment where you feel comfortable and where you can make your personal “work-life choice”. Learn more about your benefits at zeb.  


Discover benefits that match your caliber!

Important information: Some of the benefits presented here are dependent on the respective country and location and may vary depending on the position. They therefore do not constitute a guaranteed benefit.   
zeb benefit alumni network

We’ll stay in touch. Even after your time at zeb, you’ll still be part of the zeb family. In the alumni section you can find former colleagues, network and benefit from various perks. Stop by at one of our alumni events and enjoy the personal discussions. We look forward to seeing you again! Or are you looking for a contact regarding a burning issue? Here you can access the zeb.alumni web.

zeb benefit working parents network
Job & Family

Do you have questions about the compatibility of consulting and raising a family? In the workingparents@zeb network you will find support and answers. 

zeb benefit women @ zeb
Female Excellence

The promotion of women in consulting is a matter close to our hearts. In this context, the FemaleExcellence@zeb program presents a variety of events and initiatives such as the women@zeb network or the female buddy program. You can find more information and details on our Female Excellence landing page. 

zeb benefit buddy program
Mentoring (Apprenticeship)

For the first orientation in the new company an apprentice or integrated degree student that is further along will provide you with assistance and offer you guidance as a mentor.

zeb benefit dresscode casual
Office Perks
Casual Dress Code

In zeb offices you can dress casually. We do not have a dress code.

zeb benefit events

An important part of our culture is the exchange of thoughts and networking among colleagues. You have the opportunity to do so at numerous events, such as the Christmas Party, zeb.Uni, partner dinner or the "Beer & Pizza" format.

zeb benefit zeb zeb.Lounge und zeb.Röstbar
Office Perks
Social Lounge

Enjoy a coffee in our zeb.roestbar in Münster, a relaxed lunch in our lounge in Vienna or challenge your team members to a round of foosball in Frankfurt. Our offices offer space for variety and inspiration. You can find more about our offices here.

zeb benefit agile@zeb
Office Perks
Agile Working

In our agile workspaces there are no limits to your creativity. Whether SCRUM, Kanban or Design Thinking—this is where we transforms agile thoughts into action. You can find more about our offices here.

Office Perks

For more mindfulness and movement in everyday (office) life, a changing range of different health programs is available to you depending on your location (e.g. yoga classes, team running events).

zeb benefit mobile work
Office Perks
Mobile Work

Thanks to our technical equipment, remote work is possible from anywhere – regardless of whether you are on the train, at home or in the office.

zeb benefit home office
Office Perks
Working from Home

As a consultant you can choose whether you work from home or go into the office. Depending on the project situation, additional home office days are possible by arrangement. Depending on the job profile, internal departments also have the flexibility to work from home.

zeb benefit Energie tanken
Office Perks
Fruit & Beverages

Fill your vitamin, caffeine or water reservoir with our range of fruit, coffee, tea and many other beverages.

 zeb benefit corporate volunteering
Corporate Volunteering

We assume responsibility—also for our society. Get involved as a mentor with JOBLINGE, for example. The aim of the initiative is to combat youth unemployment. Find out more here.

 zeb benefit

Your life is changing—and we would like to accompany you through the different phases. offers you support for example in childcare, life situation management and eldercare or in finding concierge services.

 zeb benefit flexible Arbeitszeitmodelle
Working Time Models

Your working model is not set in stone with us. Adapt your hours to your personal situation. You can develop your part-time model in consultation with your CDC (Career Development Counselor) and in consideration of your project and adapt it as required. In addition, the principle of “trust-based hours” applies for all our employees, enabling flexible schedules.

zeb benefit unpaid leave
Unpaid Leave

You have the possibility to flexibly top up the amount of vacation you can take by taking unpaid leave—simply and without much bureaucracy.

Further information

Do you want to know more? Take a look at the following pages and get to know us even better.

zeb culture: #ShapeSpaces - your frame of mind sets the framework
#ShapeSpaces - our culture

Would you like to learn more about our culture? Then have a look at our #ShapeSpaces-page.

Pride Flag

The best teams are diverse teams. Click here to find out how we promote diversity at zeb and which networks and initiatives we offer.

a desk with a basket on top of it

You can work for us in many locations. Gain a first impression of our offices and see where you would feel comfortable here.

zeb career blog: Articles and testimonials at a glance

You can find more testimonials, specialist topics and insights on our blog. Stop by sometime! 

Zwei Eventteilnehmerinnen sitzen nebeneinander auf einem Event. Die linke Teilnehmerinnen trägt ein Namensschild.

Would you like to get to know us better before taking the plunge? Then stop by one of our events!

a person holding a tablet

Here you will find jobs that suit you. 

Any questions about your career opportunities?

Then contact our Talent Attraction team here. We look forward to talking to you.

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